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Bitfairy. Who am I?

I´m the fairy that believes in the world of cryptocurrency. The fairy that wants to open peoples eyes and invite them into the future. This site is solely based upon the excitement for the digital era we´re into and it´s great potential of changing the world for the better for the third world and curious souls out there. 


If you´ve come the whole way into my land of opportunities, you have hit jackpot. The whole meaning behind me and my purpose is to reach out to the people. To you. To spread the great ideas thats arising around this astonishing technology. My unconventional idea to do this is to let people get a starting capital by doubling your first coins. There are a lot of coins on the market. Some will never see a future, some will. It´s the survival of the fittest. And by letting people like YOU into the community on IRC, several pools and the several miningsites on the web, you contribute to make the network safer, more stable and more efficient.


We will start accepting a small amount type of coins to double at the moment since we´re only a group of 4 engineers with limited funds.


We believe. Yes we do. And so should you!


To get started: Your money will be doubled. I.e; Send 10 QRK and recieve 20 QRK in return. If you have any of the bellow coins at hand, send to the adress thats stated after the prefix.


QRK(Quark) - QhXfYvac2cEtK4L7P4cwRMG83Jwhah6Xhb

BTC(Bitcoin) - 1GxBhD5Y4SgJLDsMSRDRDZi9ku25KSjHYN

LTC(Litecoin) - LV1TgFosmeCwvAHk1JrnMEtbADvgvvmcYh

FST(Fastcoin) - ftcjdmh4SeBRiNaePiMdxgjFPVSGxjRaM2


More coins will be added for this opportunity as time passes, but for now, this is what I can do.


Donations to help spread the word and to keep up the progress are greatly appreciated. Donators will be listed. Call or send a mail through the contactform! If you experience any problem I will do my best to make it right!


LTC - LLd1wAYfMYyNDXfEcqvWrHPrtue6GX497y

BTC - 15t5PMPApiNgjEdzAMeSSLmm52nq6E51h2


Thank you for believing. Trust in technology!


“This may be the purest form of democracy the world has ever known, and I — for one — am thrilled to be here to watch it unfold.” - Paco Ahlgren, Financial Analyst at Wi-Fi Alliance

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